Where do i begin

Where do i begin .... painful but worth it in every single way. 
At the beginning of my pregnancy i had the flu and was miserable and having to check on the baby weekly and that’s when i started going to high risk. I went to high risk because i have this lovely genetic disorder called gorlin syndrome ( google to understand it better) and had to have my baby checked on regularly. We had the option of testing to see if my baby would have it but i chose not to because regardless of the results i was going to keep him. A few months in i started with high blood pressure. Which was then said to be chronic hypertension. So i was put on pills. (I’m horrible at taking medicine) so i wasnt really taking it. So nearing the mid almost end Of my pregnancy around 32 weeks my doctors had decided to schedule a c section at 37 weeks because my baby boys head was measuring a baby’s head of 40 weeks and his tummy was growing fast as well. So the safest thing was to take him out a little early. Buttt furthering my complications i haf d spinal surgery when i was 12 and another at 20 years old i was told i cannot have epidural... or any type of drug given through your spine. So i was now scheduled to have a c section and be put to sleep completely which isn’t the best thing for a baby. My c section was scheduled for dec 12 2018! Was super excited about the date because it was 12/12. On December 9th my water broke in around 5:30am and i got to the hospital around 6:15am and had to go through multiple test the first being a swab to check if my water had actually broken. That test came back negative... how? Idk. So they did the other test where they measure to see how dialated you are (and that test was horrible because i have a problem with random women sticking their fingers inside me...) so i measured 3cm 😂 good thing i wasnt having natural birth because the contractions started kicking in and wowwww Iv never felt so much freakinnnn pain in my entire existence. And guess what... i couldnt get anyyy drugsss for the painnn. No epidural for me. So i sat through 9 hours of contractions and pain all the way till i was on the operating table getting my hooha area shaved and ready and then i went out like a light. And tadaaaa my beautiful baby boy Jacob Mathews was born weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces and a great 20 inches. At 36 weeks. And he was healthy. He did stay at the nicu for 24 hours because i was on heavay drugs and wasn’t able to see him. He’s great. Beautiful and so perfect. I still have post party’s preeclampsia and it’s worse now then during my pregnancy but we’re taking it day by day. I’m also an emotional mess and cry like every day. But there’s my storryyyy. Also i had no patience to spell check( sleep deprived mommy)so my apologies!!