After giving up last month we finally got our BFP!!!

jay • Engaged 💍 Mommy of 1 👧🏽 TTC baby#2💕

I’m so excited but nervous at the same time it’s weird I want to be excited but I have this small fear something is going to go wrong I’ll explain why..... so we started ttc in May then had a chemical pregnancy which broke my heart. we tried each month and no luck just negatives and shattered hopes and then to top it off EVERYONE around us started getting pregnant 😒 I swear I became the bitter lady who hated the sight of pregnant women and newborns. So by the time November came I’m was done because I bought/tried everything to try to get pregnant and when my period showed a couple weeks later I cried and told my husband I was done because I was depressed, stressed and taking it out on other people so I stopped charting, I didn’t spend as much time on the <a href="">glow app</a> and I just started enjoying time as a family and learned to be grateful for the our little girl that we already have because I know there are women out there who would kill for just one baby and here I was stressing because I couldn’t get another baby 🙄 so my best advice is to enjoy life right now and take a break for a month or two💕

baby dust to you all ✨