Scary Birth Story


Be warned, this is not a picture perfect story of birth.

I went in on 12/13 in not active labor, but I was 4-5cm 60% effaced and my cervix was changing. I live an hour away from the hospital and zoo to prevent me having baby at home, they decided to admit me and to break my water to help me along. We called my dr, he came in to see me, told me to rest and that baby was having some heart rate decels (not emergent), and we would break my water the next morning at 8am.

During the night contractions picked up, and I opted for iv pain meds through a patient controlled pump.

When my dr came in the next morning, I was 5cm 80% effaced, and ready to roll. The only issue was that my pump ran out of meds right when he broke my water! This is my 4th baby so I knew if I jump started my contractions by moving (they won't just start from breaking my water) that I'd be in trouble! I sat as still as a mouse for the 1.5 hours it took the pharmacy to reload my machine. At 930am once I got my meds. I was ready to rock and roll! I got up, did squats, rocked my hips and contractions came fast. I started to dilate 1cm every 30 min. The last number was 8cm, and about 3 minutes after that my body was pushing! When my dr showed up baby was barely a finger away from crowning. Well, baby's heart rate started to plummet and was around 100, and 2 pushes into it my doctor said we need to have this baby on the next push! I pushed but baby was stuck, shoulder dystocia, and he had to reach his hand in and turn him around while a nurse pushed on my belly. Ellison Grey was born at 12:23pm. We delayed cord cutting, bathing, and all shots and eye goop.

Afterwards I bled out, and drop clots the size of dinner plates, and it

took pitocin and cytotec up my bum to stop it. My hemoglobin dropped to 7. However, I'm happy to say we are all home and doing well!