Third miscarriage lost a twin

This has been a hellish year ... I’m 39 had a miscarriage last December got pregnant again quickly and had another one in April.. both early losses. We did all testing with a fertility doctor. My problem has never been getting pregnant it’s staying pregnant. So we found out I have a blood clotting disorder called anti phospholipid syndrome. I was relieved to have an answer .. I was prescribed Lovenox to start as soon as I get pregnant as well as baby aspirin progesterone extra folate etc. as soon as we were given the clear which was in November we got pregnant again ... excited but scared .. my numbers were looking good doubling as they should. I started the shots right away and have been doing everything right. Today was our first ultrasound and i was so nervous since the last two times when we had our ultrasounds I found out then when there was no heartbeat. Well today we went in and there were two gestational sacs. One was empty. I was shocked there were twins but even more sad that I lost one. This is now my third miscarriage. I can’t believe it. I have been feeling mixed emotions all day. Ive been told to be happy but I’m still sad. It makes me think the shots didn’t work but then again if it was chromosomal or genetic the shots wouldn’t be able to fix that I guess. They call this vanishing twin syndrome. I just feel so sad and praying my other babe is healthy and all goes well. My next ultrasound is in 3 weeks. Just wish things went well for me.