Little late.

Mommy of two ♡

6 weeks ago I had my baby girl so I'm posting a little late. But the day before having her one of our cars broke down so we were down to one car. The day of having her I dropped my boyfriend off at work and went to my 38 week appointment with my son who's 4. I got there 45 minutes early. About 30 minutes before my appointment I had to go to the restroom so I went and of course my son was there with me. While going to the bathroom I pushed one more time to be sure I wouldn't have to go again in 10 minutes and I felt a pop and a bunch of fluid came out. I blurted out that my water broke but was still in denial so i walked out to the waiting room but turned right back around after feeling a gush of fluid. I told a lab tech my water broke since she was the only one in the hallway. She finally got someone to wheel my son and I up to a room. I called my boyfriend's work multiple times by that time and finally someone got to him and had to drive him to the hospital 30 minutes after he got to work. 2 hours after my water broke I had a csection and got to meet my princess. Now every time we go to the bathroom at the hospital my son says his water broke too. My daughter was born at exactly 38 weeks weighing 7lbs 10 oz and was 20.5 inches long. If you got this far thank you for reading!