My birth story, 🌈👶🏼 after losses


Bit of a backstory: When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I was very hesitant to celebrate just yet because my husband & I had suffered three miscarriages prior. (Also have a four year old so secondary infertility) we sought help from a reproductive specialist who diagnosed me with MTHFR, started supplements... and I got pregnant. Our first sono with him was the most emotional experience because the previous sono we had last pregnancy was a blighted ovum where I felt completely gutted. When our tech showed us our little bean & his heartbeat we both cried... each stage of my pregnancy was taken one day at a time for we both feared losing our baby.

I had a feeling I would be going into labor early. I started contractions at 36 weeks. My son definitely dropped around 38 weeks. I had all the symptoms of early labor... my dr told me at my 39 week appt on 12/6 to walk & have sex (so we did)

That very next day 12/7 I started contracting and although it wasn’t five mins apart, they were consistent all day. By 10pm I was in tears from the contractions so I called my dr who said to go to the hospital. We got there at 11pm & I was 3cm 50% effaced. So we were told we could walk the hospital... 😅

I told the nurse walking is excruciating for me (my pelvic joint separation) so they left us for an hr. When they came back I was actively contracting every 4-5 mins & was 4cm 80% effaced so I was finally admitted and able to get my epidural.

My epidural was given at 3am. It took three times to get it right. At 6am my dr started pitocin because I wasn’t progressing as much as he wanted. At 10am he came in where I was 6cm. He broke my water & said he’d be back in an hr or two to check on us.

1/2 hr later I told my husband to get the nurse because I was certain I had to push. She got the dr, and I was 10cm & baby was in my birth canal. He rushed to set the room & his table & my nurse told me to wait to push until they were ready. My nurse did an amazing job coaching me & my son was born 10 mins later after my third contraction.

I feel SO blessed with my birth. I loved the experience and feel it couldn’t have gone any better. My labor & delivery nurses were amazing, and my personal dr whom I adore delivered my son.

Here’s my two boys 😍❤️