Secondary infertility

Hello ladies I need help.

My husband is 22 and I am 21. We have a 1 year old.

Our son was not planned we got pregnant so fast. I had just got off depo in March 2016 found out I was pregnant Sept 2016.

Dec 6 2017 8 got back on depo march 6 2017 I was supposed to get my second shot never got it. We have been trying to conceive since April 2018 with no luck at all. My husband I both smoke the e-cigarettes. (which we are stopping)

Husband has a sperm analysis coming up and I have a HSG coming up. My question is what can do naturally to help my body.

Any food plans, exercises, any drinks, how to keep his balls from being so hot at work (military man) anything anything please just anything we need help.