Preemie feeding rant and advice needed please!


My daughter was born at 30 weeks 2 days and is now 37 weeks and still in the NICU. This has been the longest most stressful 45 days of my life. The only thing keeping us here is eating. We tried breastfeeding but with the recommendation from the lactation consultant we moved to bottles. She does not have a good enough suck for breastfeeding. With my maternity leave quickly coming to an end, we were going to move to bottles anyways and breastfeeding became extremely stressful with it not being successful. I have the full support of the lactation consultants but it seems like everyone else here is making me feel like a bad mom for not wanting to breastfeed. She is still getting my breast milk as I am pumping so why can they not accept my decision and just let it go?!

Anyways, now that I got my rant out...does anyone have any advice as to help my baby along in the bottle feeding process so we can get home?? When she is awake she does pretty good but they are insistent we don't wake her to feed her so she's only getting bottles about every other feeding. I just feel like we are going to be here forever if we can't get this moving along.