here she is

Kiana • momma of 1 💞

Okay so I’ve spent a lot of time reading people’s birth stories on here and now it’s time for my own!


its gonna be a little long, sorry!


So on November 22, I was sent from a doctors appointment to the hospital due to severe preeclampsia where I stayed for 2 weeks on bed rest with magnesium sulfate that made my legs jelly. The plan was for me to wait until December 20, when I’d be 37 weeks & then be induced.


On December 5, at 35 weeks I was being induced early.

okay so it’s 8:41 pm & I was moved to the birthing room & they started with the cervadil. started having contractions a minute and a half after they put it in & it was fine so far.

next was the catheter. TERRIBLE. they put it in & it immediately started burning. just so much pain. the nurse said that was normal & it should stop soon. WRONG. the contractions were nothing compared to this. I was legitimately up all night crying because of this. at the shift change the next morning, my new nurse Michelle sees my pain & tries to help me. turns out it was placed incorrectly. after she fixed it, it helped a little bit. didn’t stop the burning. she asks if i’m allergic to latex. YES. apparently the nurse i told my first day there never put it in the system. luckily, everything they’d used on me until that point had been latex free. my body was having an allergic reaction to the catheter 🤦🏽‍♀️

after that, they tried to give me a latex free one but I honestly did not want another. that was more than enough for me so I refused the catheter

next was pitocin. five minutes after i got it, things just got worse. i was in so much pain i was yelling at my uterus lol.

I could not tolerate it at all. PROPS to you mommas who do this without pain medicine or go as long as you can cause I was only 1cm dilated by this point & immediately asked for an epidural lol. 🤣

Michelle, my nurse, came to my rescue again & gave me this awesome cocktail of drugs that made me feel loopy but no pain!

two hours later I wake up & the medicine wore off :( at this point, Michelle checks me & im only 2cm, but she calls my doctor & tells him i’ll never be able to handle labor without pain meds so I get an epidural.

didn’t hurt going in at all, I was expecting the worst. it worked well for like an hour & then everything came back.

turns out the epidural came out of place so I had to get another and while they were at it they gave me a spinal block. this one was perfect. i slept & felt nothing. around 6 o’clock, Michelle wakes me up & goes to check me. as soon as she lifts the gown she says “Oh I like what I’m looking at” lol my first response is “thank you” 🤣 turns out she wasn’t talking about my vagina lol... but my water broke on its own! and I was 6 cm dilated!

I go back to sleep & wake up again around 9:45

FINALLY I was 10cm I press the button on my epidural so that way I don’t feel anything when I push lol & thank god i did it 🤣

they call my doctor and get everything set up, i’m pushing by 10:06

they told me to push with my contractions but I couldn’t feel them anymore so I kinda just sat there waiting for them to tell me when lol

with 5 contractions my baby girl was out!

Sophie Zhaleh Williams was born December 6th at 10:15pm weighing 5lbs 6oz!!!