Feeling like an epic failure...

This is more of a vent session as well as a cry for help... :(

If anyone has dealt with any similar issues...I'd love some advice!!

I've basically been feeling like an epic failure for the past couple weeks, more so the past few days. (TMI-I did just get my period bt the feelings r a lot more intense than the usual Pms n all) I'm a SAHM of two boys (3.5 & 1), and i don't have a social network or any family nearby. I'm not looking for any social interactions because I just feel too overwhelmed most of the time. I wish I had my family nearby so I could rely on them a little, but my husband and I are completely on our own.

I'm struggling with managing the kids and the household. We have no set schedules, my one year old is breastfed so he wakes up numerous times throughout the night. I'm a zombie during the day. I'm always flustered and frustrated. My 3.5 year old is having major tantrums. Theres a lot of pressure to put him in school now, as all the kids his age r in school since 3. I don't quite agree with sending children to school from such a young age and would much rather wait. But I'm super confused.

I'm also grossly overweight and it's just killing me now because I don't know how to lose the weight.

I'm feeling like a failure because I legit don't know how to get my life on track! My kids don't have my structure or routine! I don't have any schedule! I'm overweight and overwhelmed and very depressed! :(

I feel like a failure as a parent :'(