
I'm currently sitting here waiting to be called in for an ultrasound to determine the method of abortion my doctor will use. I begged them not to give me an ultrasound and that's exactly what they're gonna do. I'm so scared that I might change my mind. I know I MUST go forward with this decision. It's the only way. But it still hurts. 😭😭😭

Update: Last Friday they did an ultrasound a sent me home. They told me to come back in a week which will be tomorrow. Because the fetus had no heart beat and it looked like it would eventually be a miscarriage. This week nothing happen apart from being VERY nauseous and not being able to keep food down. I'll post an update after my appointment tomorrow.

PS: I decided to post anonymously because I have family members that use Glow. Thank you all for your support !

I decided to post my incial post so that you ladies have a little backstory of why I'm making this choice.

So Friday I found out I was pregnant. I have a 5 month old baby. I was on the IUD and the ONE time my husband didnt use a condom since he dosent believe in birth control, I end up pregnant. We can't do it financially and I cant do it for health reasons. I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Doctor offered me the pill method since he know our situation very well. But I still cant help but feel sad and heart broken. I know we HAVE to do down this road. It just really hurts. I can't tell my family because they are VERY against abortion no matter the situation and they wouldn't understand. I've always been pro life, and its crazy how in a blink of an eye things change. Asking for prayers and support please.