Vaginal birth turns to c section


My water broke after getting out of bed but I had no contractions...I called into L&D and they said to wait a hour before coming the time I got there there was water running outa me all th time. They got me hooked up to iv and tried to get my contractions to start!! With in no time I was starting to feel them!!! I progressed slowly since this being my first but after I got a epidural I was able to sleep and actually enjoy it!! I stayed dilated at 9 for a hr and baby jus would not move down further..finally when I was at a 10 nurse came in n we pushed for a hour...n thn doc came in to check and sed he thinks my pelvic area is to small for baby!! But he gave me th option to keep trying to push abby out.. For another 45 mins I pushed and finally after many tears I gave in to c section!!! I have nothing wrong with a c section but with this being my first I wanted to go vaginally!! So they whisked me away to surgery room!!!

No matter what I'm sooo happy my baby boy is finally here!!

I love you Chase Dominic!!