My baby boy is 3 weeks old today

Kathryn Elizabeth • 🤰🏻+👼🏼+🙏🏼+⏳+👨‍👧+🐶🐶+💍+🏡+🤰🏻+👨‍👩‍👧‍👦+🤰🏻 Athena Lynn 09/03/13 Brandon Paige Jr. 11/30/18 Baby Zoey Due 04/20/20
My baby boy is 3 weeks old today. His birth was uneventful though. My little man was getting very active and my blood pressure was spiking a lot in my 37th week. My doctor decided to induce me on my 38 week mark. Pitocin was started and that stuff is meannnn within 2 hours I was asking for an epidural. And 30 minutes after that I was feeling a lot of pressure. They kept telling me that’s normal with the epidural but I just knew he was coming I begged them to check me and by the time they did he was crowning. They asked me to do 2 practice pushes which they immediately stopped because he was ready. About 30 minutes later The doctor came in and 3 pushes after that I had my little man in my arms.
November 30, 2018 8:21 pm Brandon Paige Watson Jr. was born. 7 pounds 5 ounces. ❤️