Pregant after miscarriage anxiety


In may me and my husband decided to try and have a baby. In August I got a new job and got pregnant. My husband also got his business shut down and we were very stressed. I was so happy to find out I was pregnant and then I had the miscarriage and it devastated me. Since the my anxiety and depression has been at a high. I was having panic attacks at work and at home. I was trying acupuncture and meditation as I did not want to be on medication during pregnancy even though my ob said it was ok. In october I thought i was pregnant as i had missed my period but was sad to see i wasn't. I stopped taking the prenatal and just kind of gave up since I was not in a good place. I ended up getting back on my medication a week ago for my anxiety. Today I'm due for my period and I for some reason thought to myself to get a pregnancy test while grocery shopping. I knew it would not be positive. I came home peed on the stick and left it in the bathroom as I unloaded groceries. I forgot about until I had to go pee again and saw it on the window sill....pregnant. I yelled out "omfg" and ran to my husband I showed him the stick and didnt get it at first but I told him it was positive and he was happy but me..I started to cry and have anxiety. I thought I was not pregnant as I didnt have sex on my ovulating days on my app. I wasnt pre paired. I haven't been taking the vitamin and now I'm on anxiety medication and I had a xray done last week. All these things started to go through my head like omg something is going to happen or be wrong with it because of all these things. I'm also anxious about having another miscarriage. I feel like a horrible person for not being happy like the first time. I had it on my head that if I got pregnant again I was going to be all happy and surprise my husband and that didnt happen. I feel horrible. Has anyone else dealt with this or felt this way?