Customer Told Me to go Hang Myself

Liz • Mommy to perfect girl Payton 💓

I work at a car dealership and when I called my (what I thought was) nice client to confirm his appointment today, I told him that if he did purchase the car that I would give him a free window tint and super nice floor mats as a Christmas gift.

For some odd reason, he blew up and said our company should go fuck itself, how dare we say that, I must be dumb as shit to offer that, etc.


I told him I was new and was just relating what my manager was offering. But he cut me off and said he would rather jump off a cliff than ever hear my voice again. He said he and his friends were gonna give me several bad reviews online to get me fired and then he told me I should go hang myself because my life has no meaning and the world would be better off without me.

He said if I didn’t hang myself, he hoped someone I love would die on Christmas.

It’s my wedding anniversary today and I’ve been having bad depression and this just did me in. I’m currently in the bathroom crying and trying to figure out what to do.