My birth story... 2 months later


So my due date for my baby girl was September 23rd. I had what I thought would be my last appointment on the 18th, a day after I finished all of my college courses and clinicals (can’t believe I finished that 6 days before my due date & on my feet for 10hrs a day 😫). My midwife checked me and I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, she thought that I wouldn’t even make it to my due date and would be in labor by that Friday (boy was she wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️). So my due date came and went, had another appointment and only dilated to 3.5cm.... I was like whatttt are you kidding me only half a centimeter more, I was so disappointed I thought that I would have progressed more but I guess not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just wanted this baby out of me, not to mention that week we had a terrible heat wave.. I was irritable and uncomfortable I though this pregnancy would never end. Soo the midwife scheduled me for an induction on September 30th at 8:00pm if I didn’t go in on my own by then. I tried everything to try to get myself to go into labor buttt none of it worked. Fast forward to my induction day, Woke up early ran a few last minute errands, came home and my mother was making an early dinner for me. It was around 2:30pm and I wanted to jump in the shower before my mom was finished cooking. I then got the urge that I had to 💩 💩 (Sorry TMI) Sat on the toilet for about 10mins and nothing just lots of pressure. I wiped myself after peeing and it was full of blood and a huge blood clot. I got up from and looked at the toilet and it was full with lots of blood and more blood clots. At this point I’m freaking out I yelled out to my husband and he came running, my mom right behind him. I’m a mess I’m crying hysterically thinking the worst, my mom is trying to calm me down but I could tell that she was scared too, she gave me two pads to put on then we rushed out & went to the hospital. At this point I had soaked through the pads and was waiting for the doctor to hurry and check if baby was okay. Finally they came in like 45 minutes later hooked me up to the fetal monitor and we heard her heartbeat, I was relieved and had a little piece of mind. The doctor came in and did say that I was bleeding way more than normal but she wasn’t overly concerned since the baby’s heartbeat was strong, she then checked me and I was dilated to 5cm and 100% effaced. By 7pm since I wasn’t having strong contractions they gave me pitocin. From there I couldn’t get a break in between my contractions, they came every 45seconds to a minute and they were intense to the point that I had the shakes. By midnight I couldn’t handle the pain anymore and asked the doctor to check me to see if I had progressed any before I decided if I wanted the epidural or not. I only dilated up to 6cm and I said screw this I’m getting the epidural... I felt so much relief afterwards. At around 2:45am I felt lots of pressure and an urge to push, I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep in between pushes. Finally at 4:18am babygirl came on out.

My little Ariya Grace 🥰💕

Born October 1st 2018... 8days past my due date lol

I look horrible lol but how sweet is my husband helping me breastfeed our babygirl ❤️

Some recent pictures of my Princess 👑