How should I tell my dad..


My dad and I used to be really close and I really want to tell him about the baby but the past two years have been really hard.. my dad has been an off and on drug addict since before I was born and my parents divorced when I was 3. I was always daddy’s girl and he was always the “fun” parent. When I was 4 my dad got baby trapped by my stepmom. Throughout my whole life since then she’s made me feel worthless and given me so much anxiety and paranoia and constantly told my dad and little sister lies about me. When I was 8 she was cheating on my dad and ended up getting pregnant then “miscarrying” (she’s an alcoholic and looking back on what happened I think she did everything she could to miscarry so my dad wouldn’t find out she was cheating) then shortly after she got pregnant with my little brother. My dad and he fought constantly and I would be left to raise my siblings because when their mom was home she was drunk and then she’d be a work. My dad hasn’t had a job for over 11 years and would be at home all the time but most of the time he was too strung out to even be woken up. He would sleep for 19-24h a day. It wasn’t until I was about 14 that I started to realize my dad wasn’t the person I thought he was. In June of 2017 my dad, little sister, little brother, and their mom moved to Sacramento for her work. They moved right after my stepmom’s stepdad raped me and no one but my real mom and dad believed me. My stepmom told my dad that I wasn’t allowed to come over to visit them anymore because of it so my dad would have to drive (HER CAR) 2-3h just to come see me (we lived in Santa Rosa at the time) so I rarely got to see my dad and I never got to see my siblings. My mom during that time was getting full custody of me because I wasn’t allowed to visit my dad anymore. Fast forward to May 2018 I was visiting family near my dad and trying to see him and my siblings but I couldn’t because their mom wouldn’t let me, I spent a lot of the time that I was visiting family to also visit my boyfriend and I ended up getting pregnant. I finally got to see my dad and siblings again in October 2018 and had to wear a baggy shirt so he couldn’t tell I was pregnant. Now I’m 5weeks away from my due date and I’ve been feeling really guilty about not telling him but I’m scared of how he’s going to react. Him and my mom don’t get along very well and I feel like with everything that’s happened this will just make him hate me. After my mom got full custody her, my stepdad and I moved to Spokane WA for his work and now two states away i feel like it’s stupid to even think about telling him. He doesn’t text or call me and it really feels like he just doesn’t want me anymore.. should I tell him? What should I say? I want my siblings to be a part of my baby girls life but I’m worried about what’s going to happen if I tell him.. should I wait til after she’s born or tell him sooner?

Sorry this was really long.. I felt like it was necessary to be able to answer..