My Great Great Great Great (idk how many greats) Grandparents

My mom was born to a Cardenas family and she told me that her dad would always mention how he was Lazaro's Cardenas' great great great grandson. He had a box filled with pictures of Lazaro with his parents and grandparents. My dad was born to a Juarez family, but ultimately had his last name changed because of a divorce and because of a house fire. Turns out, his great great great (idk how many lol) grandfather was Benito Juarez. They look identical and my dad's family also has stories that were passed down about Benito and when they were younger. It amazes me that my mom and dad even met. They both have 5 sibling each. My mom has 5 sisters and my dad has 5 brothers. It's so funny to me lol. Idk. I just wanted to let this information out so that it's known.