Help!! Emergency cerclage at 20 weeks!


Ladies help! What should I be doing right now? In June, about 6 months ago, I gave birth to my daughter Violet at 18+3 after my water broke at 18+0. I developed chorio, went septic, and had to be induced. I gave birth June 2nd. As of August 30th, I got my first BFP with my son (on my birthday!) At 16 weeks with him, I started on Makena injections, as well as biweekly cervical ultrasounds. At 18 weeks, my cervix was 4.4cm, I heard anything above a 2 was great and I thought I was officially safe! Well, today at 20 weeks, my cervix measured at 1.34cm with funneling and ‘fingertip’ dilation. I’m scheduled to have emergency surgery first thing on Wednesday morning. I couldn’t get it any sooner because our MFM was out for the holidays, so they called over another MFM specialist from a partner hospital to come speak with me. He couldn’t do the surgery because he doesn’t have ‘rights’ at my hospital for surgeries like the lead MFM does. So I have to wait until the lead is back on Wednesday. What should I be doing between now and Wednesday? I have to go to family’s tomorrow but NO walking around besides to the bathroom and kitchen and car will be done. What should I do AFTER the cerclage? What should I expect from the rest of my pregnancy? What should I expect during the surgery? Apparently I’m getting an epidural and it’ll be done while I’m awake. I’m so, so petrified. I cannot lose another baby, I don’t know what I can do but I will literally do anything to keep him in there as long as possible!!