First baby 5 and a half hours of active labor

Chanell • Julianna’s Mommy 👶🏻🎀
First baby 
5 and a half hours of active labor.
I went to the hospital to get checked at st 2 am because of strong contractions that began at midnight. But I wasn’t dilated enough to stay. We were told to walk around for an hour and at 4 am we were sent home because no progress had been made. We got home contractions were bad so I soaked in the tub and took Benadryl to get some rest through early stage contractions. I fell asleep at 5 am woke up at 7 am screaming from excruciating pain. We ended up leaving to the hospital at 720 got to the hospital at 740 and my water broke as I literally was getting out the car after an extremely strong contraction. I was rushed to L and D and was immediately checked for amniotic fluid and checked. I was 3 cm. I suffered so much, I asked and pleaded for the epidural. They were not very concerned about getting me my epidural which sucked because I’m the process I was being traumatized by the pain I was feeling in which I thought I was dying, I knew I wasn’t but it felt like i was going to. I labored naturally for 4 hours at 8 cm and then finally got my epidural. WHAT A RELIEF. An hour later I was checked and fully dilated ready to push. I pushed for 20 mins and my baby girl was born on December 24th, 2018. Weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz. 19 in 3/4. Truly perfect. Honestly my laboring was traumatizing. I was truly suffering because the anesthesiologist wasn’t available and I had to wait for my blood to be drawn before the epidural. I cried and begged for it and they made me wait till 8 cm and truly I was in the most pain I’ve ever felt in my life. My contractions were every minute lasting for a minute.