My Christmas birth story

I was due Dec 29th but booked in for a caesarean on the 28th as baby has been breech.

BUT of course he decided to make his entrance to the world on Christmas day!

I woke up at 6.50am after feeling a gush of fluids, only about a cup full and I didn't have cramps or contractions so I wasn't to stressed out.

I called the hospital who said to come in but take my time as I wasn't having contractions as yet.

So I showered and got myself organised , all the while feeling slight period type pains and little gushes of my waters every now and then.

We got to the hospital just after 8am and I was checked out. Baby was fine, no contractions but my waters had definitely broken and he was still in breech.

I got prepped for my caesar and my contractions started to feel a little more than period cramps.

Being Christmas the hospital was very quite and I was taken for surgery just after 10am.

I was dreading the spinal but I generally barely felt it! It took them a little to find the right spot but once they did it worked perfectly.

They began surgery (with Christmas carols playing of course). I didn't feel any pain - only pressure and pulling but it was no where near as bad as I expected.

Baby boy was born at 11.10am 25th Dec and weighing 7lbs 3oz.

My partner cut the cord as I was getting stitched up.

Once the anaesthetic wore off after an hr or so I definitely needed the pain killers! But myself and my baby boy Kylo Phoenix are both doing perfectly. I'm smitten with the best Christmas present ever