What a roller coaster...

K • 33 yr old, married, one baby girl.

Passed what looked like an embryo (confirmed by an ER doctor this morning that it was) and went to the ER this morning for an ultrasound. We thought for sure we lost the baby. So turns out, we did lose one baby, but we in fact were pregnant with twins. We miscarried in Sept so I’ve been a nervous wreck since we tested positive.

Last week I went in for bleeding and was told I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and was put on modified bed rest but baby was still doing well. OB only mentioned seeing one baby and one sac but a lot of blood.

Today the ultrasound tech said the bleeding was more than likely caused from the twin expiring. Holy cow... can I just say today has been a whirlwind of emotions. I thought for sure my ultrasound would be devastating and sad. I never expected this outcome. Baby measuring 8w4d with a HR of 175. Moving its arms and legs and looks happy as can be in there. While I’m sad at the loss of the twin that came out this morning, I am thrilled I am still pregnant. Has anyone had something similar happen to them?

I didn’t even know what group to post in since it’s such an odd experience. Picture below of my little Christmas miracle, still fighting in there.