Um, hello guys. I’m broken.

I don’t really know how to make this any easier. I’m 24 years old, mother to a 3 year old. I was a single mother upon getting pregnant with my 1st from the moment I peed on a stick. Suffered from horrible post partum depression - never got the help I needed. I’ve had a rough, sometimes unhealthy relationship with my child since. Let everyone else tell it I’m the best mother but I’m not. Don’t have family or support and my mother swears she didn’t know there was a such thing as post partum depression in the first place. Here I am, in a relationship again, 5 months pregnant and more depressed than ever. Been in my own place since 2016, paying around 1750 a month in bills. In a state where the most you’ll get is 9.50-11/hr and it won’t be full time ALL the time. My SO moved in about a year ago, got on his feet and we’ve split everything 50/50. He was laid off two months ago, so the weight fell back on me and our bills are higher, I was laid off a week before Christmas due to lack of performance. I have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and retail literally is killing my body. So what’s next? I wanna stop it all every day. I’m so tired. Just TIRED