Does anyone not feel pregnant?



Do people have days were they just don’t feel pregnant anymore? I’m 18+3 and I’m pretty sure I felt the baby move a few days ago but then I go 2/3 days without feeling anything and I don’t have much of a bump I just feel normal and I start to get really worried. It’s 2 weeks until my 20 week scan and it always terrifies me that’s somethings wrong. I got loads of lovely Christmas presents for the baby and it made me even more excited which just makes it harder!

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Posted at
Yesss!! For most of my pregnancy I didn’t feel pregnant. Especially until I felt the first movements at 16 weeks. I had basically no symptoms other than insomnia my entire pregnancy and then started getting Braxton Hicks around 23-24 weeks. Other than that and the kicks I felt completely normal. It really worries me in the beginning, I thought I’d have cravings, sensitivity to smells, nausea, frequent urination, I never had any of that. I know it’s hard but try not to worry too much. Atleast you feel good right? I used to just wish for a little bit of nausea or something just so I would “feel more pregnant” lol


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I'm going for my 20 wk scan in 2 weeks too!


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I started feeling movement at 16 weeks. I’m 23 weeks now. Often during the last 7 weeks my baby has had quiet gaps for like 5 days and it freaked me out. Everything is ok.


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Baby has so much room in there still so u won’t feel every movement. I kno it’s easier said than done but try not to think the worst but speak love n positivity into ur pregnancy


Rebecca • Dec 26, 2018
Thank you so much! I have 2 uterus’ so mine is half the usual size but I’m guessing there’s still room for baby which is why sometimes I can feel him and sometimes I can’t. I know I just need to relax I just overthink everything


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I wish😣 Im 16 weeks and feel like death🙄 Dont know how im going to last another 5 month🤔😂


Rebecca • Dec 26, 2018
I should note that I was still throwing up the day before last 😂 I’ve had terrible morning sickness from week 5-16 and it’s still on and off now so I know how you feel! I just know that something can be wrong with the baby and you still get sickness so I just convince myself something still could be wrong 🙄 honestly mum worries are the worst! Hope your feeling better soon!! It’s only normal for us to be paranoid, it’s nice to know when your not alone and we’re definitely not! X


re • Dec 26, 2018
Just hope my baby gets here safe!😔😔 soo paranoid😥