40&6 delivery: It’s a GIRL

I read so many birth stories as I patiently waited to go into labor, so I am going to share mine with you now that she is here!

This was my second pregnancy. I had to be induced with my first, so this time around I really wanted to go into labor on my own. When I was at 35.5, at my appointment my doctor checked my cervix because I had been contracting and I was already 2cm dilated and 50%. I got to follow-up in 2 weeks (only because I am an L&D nurse and know my doctor/have his number in my phone and know what to look for in labor). By the time I came back I was 3, then each week I would dilate more- but never had regular contractions. By 40 weeks I was at 4cm/50%. I went home to wait out labor. When I went to my 41week appointment (I had to go at 40&5 weeks) I was 4.5/50%. He stripped my membranes and decided it was time to schedule and induction, solely because I was GBS positive and he wanted to make sure I got antibiotics for that and since I am 5’2 and on the more petite size we were concerned about the size of the baby. So, the induction was scheduled for 6am the next day, when I would be 40&6. We were so excited to find out if this baby was a boy or a girl- yes we keep it a surprised until delivery.

At 4:30 am the day of the induction I was woken up by a strong contraction. They started to come every 5 minutes. My husband got up and ready (he only thought for the induction- I didn’t mention I was contracting and did my best to hide it so he didn’t freak out and make me go to the hospital sooner than my scheduled time). We headed to the hospital and got there right at 6am. I delivered at the same hospital I work at, and told them as I walked in that I was already contracting and was sure that labor was started. Sure enough I changed into a gown, got checked in and put on the monitors. It was 7am by the time I was admitted and my exam was 5/70/-1 and I was contracting every 4-5 minutes.

8:30am my doctor arrived and we decided to not start any induction medications and not to break my water until my antibiotics were in for enough time and my epidural was placed.

8:45am my epidural was placed.

9am I was completely comfortable and my antibiotics were in, so my doctor came back and broke my water. We did not start any pitocin because I was already contracting plenty.

9:30am my Foley catheter was placed and my exam was 6/80/-1. I got on my side with a peanut ball and took a nap. We did switch sides during my nap.

1050am I was checked and at 8cm/90/-1. I sat up in a sitting lunge position with the peanut ball and relaxed. I knew it wouldn’t be too long.

12:00pm I was dilated to an anterior lip and decided I wanted to just labor down and not practice push.

12:37pm I was completely dilated and at s 0 station. I practiced pushed and moved the baby well. They started to get the room put together for the delivery.

12:45pm My doctor came by to check on my, and found I was ready to have a baby. He gowned up and got ready to start pushing.

12:50pm. I started to push.

1259pm After I pushed for 2 contractions and the baby was crowning. We were laughing a lot because I knew everyone in the room- they are all like family to me so we joked a lot. After someone said something, I laughed so hard out came the baby’s head (yup, I laughed her head out- no push needed there). The shoulders did end up getting stuck, so we got serious and they pulled my legs back far and I gave one hard push and she was here. It was a girl! A beautiful 8lb 6oz 20inch long baby girl!

I didn’t end up needing any induction medications because my body was in labor, she just waited until we threatened to induce labor to make her arrival. I am so happy I got to experience going into labor on my own. It was by far an easier labor and delivery!

Charlotte Rose

12/19/18 @12:59pm

8lbs 6oz

20inches long