Newbie Here **** how likely is it to get pregnant on transfer 1 ?


Hey ladies... I start my meds on Jan 2nd ( currently on BC ) so go easy on me... I am a healthy 33 year old with u explained fertility. My husband just did a reversal back In August and his sperm count is perfect and about 60million. We have done 3 Medicated IUIS with no success but have ovulated and had great lining etc. HSG came back great, I have lots of good eggs just don’t know what’s going on .. oh we have both had 2 healthy children in the past ( had to use Clomid )

We just paid $15,780 for one cycle and egg retrieval and my medication was separate at about $5000.

If round 1 doesn’t take I’m not sure I can keep affording a frozen transfer at 5,000 a pop ..

Ladies I’m praying we get this in one shot.. tell me your experience and help me.. am I being unrealistic ?? My doctor has amazing success rates and I’m so happy and pleased wi