Vaccines - do you know whats in them

It's a poll, not an argument. You dont agree with someone else's parenting then keep your mouth shut. We are grown women not in middle school and anyone offended by this poll - keep scrolling maybe debates aren't your thing.

For the non judgemental mom's who can participate in a debate with out name calling or shaming others.

- Why or why don't you vaccinate?

-Do you know of the harmful toxins in vaccines and that adverse reactions are supposed to be slim - but over the past ten years more and more children have developed adverse reaction within hours or even die from them?

-Do you know of the adverse reactions and what they are? (some are mild, yes but you live with it the rest of your life)

- Do you know that all vaccines are LIVE viruses and shed through via cough, sweat and human feces, & shed for 28 days?

** I know alot of you are going to get so butthurt over the part about harmful toxins, but it is harmful toxins and could possibly be why you have chronic problems.*

Do not comment any bullshit about what you would do if your child got polio, or "thousands of people died back in the day without vaccines"

Yes, thousands of people died back then, but think about those that made it without vaccines - it's because of natural things the Earth has - they made their own medicines. Also - unvaccinated kids pose no risk to those that are vaccinated, if your child is vaccinated against said disease, then how are unvaccinated kids a problem today? Also - HALF of you aren't "safe" with these vaccines because they aren't active after a couple of years!

Now let's see how many of you lose your mind over the fact that 35% of the world aren't vaccinated. 😘😘😘

Vote below to see results!