Anterior Placenta

Paula • 👼🏽 mc 12/6/17 | 🌈💖 6/4/19 | 💙 11/5/20

Does anyone have an anterior placenta? What does it mean? Anything I should prepare myself for?

I just saw it on my ultrasound summary.

Thanks! ❤️🌈

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Posted at
Just the positioning of the placenta (it’s on the front wall of the uterus instead of the back). TotallyNormal. It will just take longer to feel movements as they get muffled by the placenta.


Posted at
I do. My doctor told me it’s nothing to worry about and the only effect it will have on my pregnancy is that it will take longer for me to feel the baby move. I’m 21 weeks btw.


Posted at
I have anterior placenta and nothing to worry about it’s just the placement of the placenta...they say it takes longer to feel baby but I’ve felt mine since 11 weeks..and now I feel it everyday and I’m 17 weeks


Em • Dec 30, 2018
I’m sure Iv been feeling mine once or twice from 11 weeks not everyday but it’s defo not gas I feel I can tell the difference


Posted at
I have it, just means you may feel movements later and took me ages to hear heartbeat


Posted at
I do, currently 30 weeks pregnant with a little boy! 💙 just means placenta is on the front of your tummy so can act like a cushion to baby (feel movement later) I started feeling him around 22 weeks! x


Posted at
Thanks everyone! This community is the best! Eased my nerves! ❤️🌈


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As everyone else has said below - it’s just at the front so you probably won’t feel kicks as early as those with one attached to the back. The main thing is its positioning - high or low in the uterus... they like it to be high so it’s clear of the birth canal so it doesn’t get involved mid-birth. For me they measured the distance of the ‘gap’ and said my anterior placenta was ‘nice and high’ so no concerns.


Posted at
Yes! Had it with my first pregnancy also. They say it takes longer to feel baby move bc of the extra pillow! I call the placenta the pillow bc every scan after 18 weeks with my daughter she was using it like a pillow. I felt her at roughly 16 weeks, and this time another anterior placenta and I have felt off and in flutters the last 2 weeks. I am 17 weeks today. Doesn’t really effect anything in pregnancy just if you need a cesarean you can bleed more. I did


Kelly • Dec 28, 2018
I had an emergency cesarean and I hemorrhaged it just increases the risk of bleeding from the incision. I didn’t bleed vaginally after the cesarean ever not even spottibg


Shay • Dec 28, 2018
I had one with my first. They say it muffled the feeling of kicks, but I didn’t find that to be true at all. I felt her starting at 15 weeks. And I also had a c section and hardly bled at all so I don’t think it affects that.


Posted at
I do abs basically my doctor told me it means my placenta is attached to the front and I won’t feel flutters/kicks early like women without anterior placenta. I started feeling flutters at 20 weeks.