Menstrual like cramping 33+6

Brittany • 30, Wife, Fur Mom 🐶, Baby Girl 👧🏼 2/6/19, Baby Girl 👧🏼 2/9/21

I have been doing a lot of housework this week & last night I started getting menstrual like cramps. I have had them before and the doc said they were normal braxton hicks as long as they were irregular. I took a bath, drank water, and went to bed. They are hard to time because they seem to be more of a dull constant ache, but they do come and go around 4 times an hour. I was able to sleep but felt them when I was up using the restroom throughout the night. Should I call? I have an appt Monday I was thinking about just waiting till then to talk to the doctor about it. I will be 34 weeks tomorrow.