Another year to USELESS EGGS BITCH

New Years is approaching and I felt some cramps so I was like “I better check when my period is due”

And it’s due on the 31st.. I’ve been tracking my periods on this app since June 2014... so it’s gotten to the point that it’s exact on predicting my period. Even when my cycle goes haywire and I’m late or have a longer period it will still predict correctly if I continue to log just my periods. I don’t even log daily if you can see which is why I’ve used it for so long.

I felt an odd familiar feeling and checked all my period logs.

I would upload screen shots but glow has the calendar stupid now.. and it would be way too many screen shots for one post.

But I have had my period on New Year’s Day EVERY year since 2015. My uterus: CHEERS BETCH. ANOTHER YEAR TO USELESS EGGS!”

At first I saw this as “at least I’m starting the year not pregnant”

Now I’m just pissed. I don’t want to deal with this on New Years. I don’t want to deal with this at ALL. 🖕🏻