5wks Miscarriage (photo of placenta)


My story...

I miscarriage between 5wks to 6wks.

I knew something was wrong from the beginning when I went for my second doctor appointment. Do you ever feel like something wrong, like it’s just that heavy feeling. Well I was right! When I went for my ultrasound the tech lady said I was very very early. So I’m looking at her.😳 That can’t be possible. Mind you my last mensural Period was Oct 24. So I should’ve been 8wks pregnant. Well when it’s time to see the my OBGYN she really excited talking to my two babies (5yr old & 2yr old) asking them about Christmas an if they been good. Then she directs her attention to me. Asking how I’m feeling, if it was planned, and if I’ll be going out for the holidays. Turns out that I only measured 5wks 1day pregnant. How? I have no clue. Maybe from being on the nexoplana messed up my fertile days? Anyways she tells me it could be a chemical pregnancy or it could be a normal pregnant. That I’ll have to come back in two weeks on Jan 2 for another ultrasound. She also mentioned if I have any spotting, bleeding red, pink or brown, or in pain to go directly to the emergency room.

Next day Dec 20, Boom! I started bleeding. I started freaking out like no this can’t be happening!! So I played it cool. I didn’t wanna alarm my husband yet. Then later as the day progresses I notice it’s not getting any better. I felt the urge to shower , once I was done I sat On the toilet. Splash splash. I hesitated to look down. There was huge blood clots an lots lots of blood. I bursted our crying calling my husband to let him know I believed I miscarriage. He’s very upset you can see it in his facial expression. He doesn’t ask questions he just takes me directly to emergency room. They begin to run some tests (lab work &hormone level) and cervix check. Well turns out everything was okay. That sometimes early pregnancy you’ll have some bleeding. Well I felt better.

Fast forward to Dec 22 I got another emergency room due more bleeding but no pain. Well doctors didn’t do anything but say hi and bye. I wasted my time going over there to get no answers at all. I was so disappointed. Only because this is my 3rd pregnancy an I didn’t go threw this at least let me know what the possibilities are. Instead telling me it’s normal to bleed to go home. Like really.

Dec 24 comes I head back to the previous hospital where they preform tests. Due to little pain and a whole lot of blood. They redid the test they did previously. Just to show that I was miscarriage because my hormone level dropped completely. He was still shocked that I wasn’t having outrageous pain. So he told me to relax an be on bed rest.

Well Then the next 2days oh my Lordy talk about pain! I was in so much pain as if I was going into labor!! Like nothing helped what so ever. I called my OBGYN an ask if she could prescribe me some pain meds. She said no for me to go to the emergency room if I’m in pain🙄😩. I didn’t wanna go due to the fact I already been there 3times. Therefore I had to take it like a champ. Let me tell you it wasn’t easy.

On the second day of being in pain (Dec 26) I was cleaning trying keep my mind off the pain. Well then I felt something coming out of my vagina. I started to freak out like umm what is going on down there!!! I go immediately to the rest room to look! I honestly thought it was the baby. But then I realized I was only gonna be 6 wks that day that there wasn’t any way of it being it. Then I realized it was a placenta. So I’m sitting there thinking so I must’ve passed the baby from Dec 20 - dec 26. Of course I wouldn’t have seen it anyways due to it only being a size of a pea.

I was so heart broken, just knowing from my gut I knew something was wrong once I stepped in the clinic. I didn’t wanna loose my baby. Only god knows why this happened. It was very hurtful an sad to go threw. I dont wish this upon anyone!

Sorry didn’t make my story a little more exciting, I just was reading every ones post. Decide to wright mine. It’s 1:55am 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️. I should be asleep. Unfortunately to much on my mind. After everything today Dec 30 I finally stopped bleeding.

TMI photo of my placenta.