Body image issues

I am 4 months postpartum with my third. I’m struggling so hard with my body. I’m exercising as much as I have time to and I’m constantly feeling frustrated and disgusted with the way I look. I was looking through my pictures and came across this my mind this was my standard. This picture was taken a year after i had my first child and at that time I was intentionally eating just enough to have energy to function. Today when I saw it I initially realized how unhealthy I looked and that I must have a distorted view of my body. It was an overwhelming realization. I looked at it again an hour later and it didn’t look unhealthy anymore and I felt like this is what I needed to get back to. It seems like I have a distorted view of what I should and shouldn’t look like now that I have experienced

..? I’m confused now. Obviously my eating habits were unhealthy but did I really look unhealthy? Should I go back to this size? I don’t feel comfortable in my body at all right now, it’s almost all I can think about. I realize this is silly and that I just had a baby ect but I can’t seem to accept my appearance no matter how much I rationalize it. Anyone else going through this? 🙁