Should i stop having sex with him?

Ive only had sex with him once and we met off tinder, but we talk all the time and have plans soon... and not just plans to chill at his house. (We met less than 2 weeks ago btw) The old me would say fuck it and have sex with him. But i want to get to know him. He’s so respectable kind smart and ambitious. And i am too. Should i just spend time with him and live in the moment? Should i have sex with him? Or should i not? Will i just seem too easy? For some reason i don’t want to have sex with him again right now. Although the sexual chemistry was great and it was fun i feel like i want to hold off on it.. and spend some time with him because he’s genuinely a cool person and we have a lot in common.

Has anyone ever been through something similar? And how did it go?