Depressed, exhausted and complaining...

I am so tired! I have been having Braxton hicks for over a week, continuous painful cramping for 3 days, hardly any sleep, can't eat, back pain last night and diahhrea! Not to mention I have had Carpal Tunnel since week 20 and struggled to sleep anyway.

I want to let her cook for as long as she needs, but it's so hard to stay patient when I feel like this. Distracting myself is so difficult when I'm too tired to function! I'm snapping at other people because they don't understand. Family just ask me to hurry her up (whatever that means 😔)

38 + 4. Any advice for a sad woman on the brink? I want to enjoy this pregnancy!

I have depression anyway, and my first concern is I no longer smile she kicks my belly? 😢