Finally! Baby #2 is in the way 🥰 What I did different this month

Danielle • Mommy to a beautiful little girl and pregnant with #2 via IVF 💜

Ahh I can’t believe it I got my BFP after TTC #2 since April 2018. We are so excited!!! Hubby feel back asleep but I am too excited to sleep!!!! I was really hoping this would be our month, my fertile week was over hubby’s and my birthday 🥳

We have been TTC #2 for the last nine months, we decided to start trying after my daughters 1st birthday. So excited for our new baby to come late this summer. Here is what I did this month, hopefully I can help someone out, I always liked knowing what other ladies did.

I did these 4 things throughout us ttc #2

-I used 2 different OPK’s, CB advanced digital and Easy@Home OPK (from Amazon)

-We BD every other day once I got my flashy smile. Once I got my positive OPK we BD that night and the following. Had an orgasm each time we BD, and put my legs in the air.

-We used preseed (2g) I inserted it about 10-15 min prior to BD

-Took a prenatal

Here is what I did different this month along with the other 4 things...

-cut out coffee and all other caffeine. I switched to decaf Tea.

-Drank 2 cups of Red Raspberry Leaf tea from start of my last period until day of peak OPK

-Upped my water intake

-at 1DPO I started eating pineapple with the core, did this for 6 days. Took on pineapple and cut it into 6 slices. (I put it in the blender with a little water)

-wore slippers or warm fuzzy socks and ate a lot of soup or other hot foods. (Silly wives tale, that a warm body helps with implantation)

-I also didn’t track all of my symptoms during my TWW, I tried to relax as much as possible.

Good luck ladies sending baby dust your way, hope I was able to help someone!