Venting and sad (long post)


So Wednesday night I woke up with SEVERE shoulder and upper rib cage pain. To the point I couldn’t not take a deep breathe and I was shaking and crying and had no idea what was going on. I felt baby moving, but the pain would not let up and the fact I could not breathe properly sent me into hysterics. Woke up husband, he immediately got dressed and off to the ER we went. Little back story, I battled sinus issues for about two months, they have finally subsided but I’ve developed a bad cough with frequent coughing fits. So basically went to the Er for them to say I pulled a muscle/ having muscle spasms due to the coughing.

I feel guilty

We are already stressing over money a bit, trying to find a 2 bed apartment so our little one can have her own room because it’s very important to me to have a nursery. Plus we hate where we are now, hour + away from family and the complex we live at now is going to shit.

Our insurance SHOULD cover everything, but I feel so guilty and I feel like I overreacted and should have tried to wait the pain out. Everyone is telling me I made the right call in case it was something worse, but that doesn’t help my guilt.

It doesn’t help that I’m on an 8 week pelvic rest, therefore haven’t been able to be intimate with my husband for about three weeks now (which yeah I guess isn’t too bad but for us that’s a long ass time) and I miss the physical intimacy and have been feeling down about that anyway.

I don’t know if I’m looking for validation over my feelings or just need to vent. But I’m sad and stressed and husband keeps telling me not to worry but I can’t help it. I feel like I overreacted and wasted our time and money.