I'm officially done forever dropping 150lbs and blocking him

So I got together with my ex but soon realized that was a mistake so I broke up for the final time but I figured we could still be friends until this conversation

The reason why I say he would be too nice to kidnap me cus he's not a psycho. Plus if I show any signs of pain, anger, sadness, etc he stops whatever he's doing and comforts me.

The part that is blurred out is some sexual part about how he would tease me.

The reason why I say "why? So you can bang me?" Is because with gifts and surprises there's ALWAYS a catch usually a sexual one. The most recent example is "I got you a gift for Xmas I can't wait to give it to you" *one day later* "since I'm giving you a gift, in exchange will you let me do whatever I want to you with no limits?"

He's never actually given me a gift or surprise cuz I never agree to do what he wants in exchange for one, but I have given him gifts, with no catch.

But the last comment he made really hurt me I can't tell if it's supposed to be a joke or not but if it is it's a really pathetic one.

Last texts that arnt shown are him asking where I went as I ignored him but when I did finally respond and told him I was upset he couldn't figure out why? Like seriously? I was raped and you brought it up and not in a nice way 😒 but whatever I'm done.