Trying for a rainbow!🌈🌈🌈


A day or two before my period I took a test and got an extremely faint line. I tested day of expected period with a different brand and didn’t really see anything but idk if I waited long enough - they were both pink dye tests. That evening I got my period. It was dark brown and a little red and filled a pad. However, after those few hours until now (four days later) its been light light and brown. I could probably wear a tampon all four days and be fine lol Obvi I’d never do that.

I’m wondering if that could be implantation? I’m so emotionally drained that I’m scared to buy another test and get a positive. Today I’d be 16PO I think. Breasts still hurt If I press on them or someone bumps into me.

Or, maybe this is just normal! Any experience with this?