Negative comments from family about my choice to breastfeed..


Some of my family members (the women) are being really discouraging to me about breastfeeding..I’ve known for awhile that I want to breastfeed the baby when she gets here. I got a free pump through my insurance and I’m so excited to breastfeed, try somethings new and have that bonding experience with her. The feeling of providing milk for her would make me feel proud in a way. Mind you, I’m also ok with the idea of formula if need be. I’m not against either one. I know you can still bond with your baby even if you can’t breastfeed and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. As long as she’s happy, I’ll be happy. What is upsetting me is that a few of the women in my family are convincing me that I won’t be able to do it...”you may not produce”..”it hurts so won’t last long”...”I couldn’t do hurts..good luck with that”.. many other types of comments that feel like they’re telling me not to be surprised if I can’t do they know I won’t be able makes me upset that these people are pretty much telling me not to even try it.. fellow women..I have no clue how to feel and it’s been so’s giving me this mindset that I can’t do it. Anytime I try to talk about how I want to go about it (stocking up in the freezer etc) I just get eye rolls and negative comments..”how do you plan to do that and work?”..umm that’s the purpose of stocking up. So that she can still have breast milk while I’m not there... ugh..does anyone else get this kind of response from people when they hear that you want to breastfeed? Some of them have even made the comment “you’re not going to be one of those public feeders are you?..”..well yea..if she’s hungry and for some reason I don’t have a bottle with me, I’m going to feed her in public. I plan to wear a cover but I sure as hell am not feeding her in my car or the just hurts that these comments are coming from my own family ..just because they couldn’t do it doesn’t mean that I can’t :( it’s hard not to be discouraged though..