Waiting to take 2nd HCG test


I just found out I was pregnant December 26th. I had some spotting this week That made me a little concerned. The doctor had me go in for a blood test on Friday, and they told me my HCG was on the low side. It was 50. I’m waiting till Wednesday, after the holiday, to go in for my second test per the doctors orders. I’m having a lot of anxiety right now because I’m really afraid I’ll find out on Wednesday that my HCG isn’t increasing like it should. My Last period started November 20th, but I have fairly long cycles and ovulate really late in my cycle (December 14th was ovulation day). Could my HCG be low due to the fact that it hasn’t been long since implantation? With the gestational age I should be over 5 weeks, but due to late ovulation my egg has not been fertilized for very long.

My pregnancy tests have gotten a little darker over the last several days, but nothing drastic. Any thoughts or advice is appreciated since I’m feeling so anxious and need to just talk this out.

Tests from the 26th