Eating issues

Ok, so I have to ask is anyone else finding it extremely hard to eat? I’m almost 28 weeks and I think the baby is pressing on my stomach because I get full after the smallest portions. You can’t even call them meals honestly. I had a small side salad for lunch and could barely force myself to eat dinner later. I get an overwhelming full feeling that makes me feel like I’m going to be sick and then to top it off the acid reflux starts and it’s horrific. I’m not understanding the whole “eating for 2” concept as I am barely able to eat for 1 anymore. My appetite is there but my stomach and body just will not allow it & it’s SO frustrating. Is this normal?? The baby is only going to get bigger and more cramped in there. I’m praying this doesn’t get any worse I feel like I’m underrating as is! Anyone else in the same boat?? Is this normal?? Should I bring this up to me doctor?

Also, to add I’m eating pretty healthy this pregnancy and rarely have any cravings. Had to cut out dairy as it upsets my stomach, salt/spices/most all dressings as they trigger my reflux. The most I snack on is the occasional piece of chocolate. It’s actually kind of depressing 😫 !