
Black Qùëëñ

Two weeks ago I began feeling ill,couldn't keep nothing down but I kept telling myself there's nothing wrong with me(mainly because when my sister got pregnant I got all the pregnancy symtoms so I thought oh well someone else might be pregnant)I came off birth control the 13th of November,however I had sex the 9th,10th and 11th but had some light bleeding on the 17th to the 20th,knowing that I haven't had a normal period in months I just didn't even think about the bleeding...on December 8th I fell and started bleeding immediately (didn't take it serious)I began having serious cramps and tummy ache on December 18th so I decided to visit the doctor,did a pregnancy test it came back positive I was like holy shit but after explaining to the doctor what I have been experiencing he started saying I might have had a miscarriage....went back on December 27th pregnancy test was negative 😭😭😭😭I felt so sad,I felt broken,I felt lost😭😭😭😭.....I have been crying since, drinking and smoking knowing I never even knew my baby was inside me and I lost it,I never got to feel it moved....I never got to hold my precious baby😭😭😭😭 sleep in peace my angel👼......sorry for the long post I just had to let this out!!!!