Any advice? Please help.

Me & my SO had been trying to conceive for 11 months. I finally conceived in November. Ever since we found out we've have arguments everyday. I mean big arguments. We'd even stop talking for days at a time, tell each other nasty things, & even has gotten to violence now. We just got back on good terms but I wholeheartedly feel like this is just making me feel worse. I feel more anxious about him cheating again & I overthink way too much. He's not the same person i feel in love with anymore. He acts very different now that im pregnant. The only thing holding me back from completing cutting him off is my baby. I have divorced parents & experienced first hand how hard it is & how it affects the child. I dont want that for my baby but he honestly isnt putting anything from his part & im just plain out tired & really hit the bottom line already. I want to really keep trying but theres moments like right now where i feel like being selfish for my own mental health & sake and just cutting it. Any advice? Similar experience? No rude comments please. Currently in distress already thank you.