small cut in vagina after sex

so there was a while where my boyfriend and I didn’t have sex for like 2 weeks. usually we would have it 3-4 times a week. but when we started having it again, i noticed i kept having a burning pain when he would enter and it was kinda there during sex but only very slightly, worse when he would put it in. we always use lube, also we stopped using condoms (he’s been tested) but after, i would go pee and it would feel very hot and would sting like crazy. like peeing doesn’t hurt, it’s when it drips into my entrance area. but when i’d whip there is always streaks of blood. nothing major but it’s still bothering me. i think i had a yeast infection but i took meds and it cleared up, the yeast infection not the bleeding issue. i was sent to get tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea, but it’s been more than a week and i never heard anything from anyone about my results so friends are telling me that is good news apparently. sometime in the next week or so, i want to go to the doctors but i won’t be able to go for awhile and i’ve just been freaked out and paranoid. does anyone know what this could be? maybe my meds making me dry down there? i’ve read shit like it’s an early pregnancy sign and yeah it’s just making me nervous. plz help