7 year old

Amanda • FTM to Niklaus Eli 💚 Now second baby is on the way 💚💚 Due July 25th, 2023

Hello. I have a 7 year old sister who doesn't/cant take care of herself AT ALL. i understand she's only 7 but i know at 7 i was doing chores and could bathe myself and brush my own hair. My little sister can't wash her own hair. She can't brush it. She cant put it in a ponytail. Not because she doesnt want to or physically cant, but because my mom wont show her how. I'm the first person to ever show her how to brush her own hair! She doesn't do any chores or even pick up after herself unless I'm watching her. Then i make her clean up after herself. To me, shes a brat. Don't get me wrong, i love my sister so much. But she is constantly talking back when she's told to do something. She rolls her eyes and huffs and puffs all the time. She can't stand ANY change. For example, we changed our living room drapes and she cried. She can't stand a change to plans at all. She'll get pissed off and start crying if we try to do anything she doesnt want to do.

Is this totally insane? There's a huge age gap. Im 25 and she's 7. But I feel like my mom parented me sooo differently. I had chores. I could bathe myself. I could make a simple microwave meal. Etc. I just dont get it.