He has a child with someone else

So I’m in a relationship with a man who has a child with someone else. He also has step children with this person too. (I’ve been seeing him for about a year) I haven’t ever been with someone with a child or children. I’ve always been with a single person who I spent a lot of time with and did everything with. (I was with my last boyfriend 8years)

So the guy I’m with now it is very hard for us to spend time together. He’s either working or it’s his time with his kid or something happens and his kid will want him to come over or she’ll want him to take her somewhere and do something at random. So when he’s off and I think maybe we have a chance to hang out. Something ends up happening to where we can’t. And then he doesn’t show up to my house until late or we don’t hang out at all. Then he’ll have his weekend or days or nights throughout the week with her.

So my question is how do I deal with it? I’m not trying to be selfish or want more time with him than his kids but it’s like every time I turn around something is going on and then we don’t get to spend much time together. It’s an issue that we’ve tried to address and he tells me that I’m just not use to being with someone who has baggage but at the same time I don’t want our relationship to fall because we’re not actually getting the time we need together. How do I get him to better separate his time or do I even do that. I feel like an awful person but I also feel like I’m the one emotionally dealing with this