I've given In...


Breastfeeding... for 85 days, I've done every night feed, every day feed. Cried, struggled, laughed and smiled.

I love breast feeding. But someone need a to say it. It's f***ing hard. My 'partner' is basically no help and has no patience for our daughter. And doesn't help.

The past 3-4 days all she has done is scream and cry, shes feeding practically every hour and I'm exhausted. My boobs can't fill fast enough to sustain her, I realise it's probably just a growth spurt. But I had to give in, I'm running on fumes! Mental and physically exhausted is an understatement!!!

So as of 2 hours ago, my little Holly had her first Formula bottle. 7oz of it. After a bit of almost blerghhh this isn't boobie milk, she took it. And she's full. And went to sleep without screaming and crying! I feel relief. But I also feel so crushed and defeated! I feel like my body cannot sustain her needs! I'm only giving her the odd bottle of formula when I need a break but my god, I have mixed emotions!

She's so beautiful, and she's thriving even before the formula. She's never once lost any weight, she hasn't been sick, no cold or anything. And I'm taking this a victory for that!

I hope all you other mamas are having an amazing experience, breast feeding or not! ❤😘🍼