4 week old new eating habit question


So my son will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and for the last week or so has been eating less at a time and wanting to eat more frequently ( I’m assuming since he isn’t eating as much at one time). His doctor told me to bump him up to 4 oz every 2-3 hours ( he was at 3 oz). But now I can hardly get him to even eat 3 without falling asleep or choking on it when he falls asleep. So I assume he’s full and stop. Sometimes he will fall asleep after he is burped and his nap times range from 1-2.5 hours. But a lot of times lately he won’t fall asleep after his bottle and like right now he ate 3 oz at 9am, it’s not 10:45 am and he’s finally asleep after I gave him 1 more oz. I almost feel like he just wanted more to go to sleep? I tried rocking him, playing music, all the things he likes to go to sleep and nothing worked. He was happy and fine up until about 10:15 and that’s when he seemed to want more. So should I be REALLY trying to keep him awake to get the 4oz all at once or feeding him the way I am? It just drives me crazy when I need some sleep as well lol and he’s on a crazy eating schedule.