My birth story at 38w3d


Friday, 28th I ran 2.5 miles and went to the spa at the rec center. After I got out I felt some pelvic pressure more intense than usual. Stopped by station, went hone and it wouldn't go away. At night the pain would wake me up and I thought maybe my bladder hurts but peeing wouldn't relieve anything. Got up at around 9am and that's when it hit me: wasn't pelvic pressure. They were contractions!!!!! I started timing and they were 5 min apart. Called the doctor who said to keep tracking and come if it got worse. Pain was the same or so I thought (but later I discovered they were actually getting worse) and timing remained the same. I decided to go to station with my husband Jesse and what there see if it got any better. His plan was to bring me to station so his colleague could back him up and force me to go to the hospital. I eventually gave in when he threatened to call Star City EMS (long story short we aren't in good term with that agency). I was actually 4 cm already! Got admitted to monitor and give me penicillin amd got checked again by our favorite midwife who turned out to be on shift, Katelin. We waited more and I thought I'd get stuck at 4 and go home. But at 23:46, I was at 6! Contractions were bad. Got my epidural. Cried because I was actually in labor and I panicked. Then started a long night. So painful. Got phetanol then morphine (a "flu shot" as the nurse pretended but was so painful I cried and got an asthma attack) Even with the epidural the contractions were b

ad. Around 4 am I was 7 only and my water broke (very satisfying!). Then contractions kept coming and being painful. I was 8 at around 8am when they checked me again. I asked to have more pain meds because I was in so much pain I puslnt handle it. They left, nurse and midwife and the next contraction that hit me... OMG so PAINFUL and I had the urge to push (the few ones before I felt like needing to poop). I couldnt help but push real bad and I screamed. Jesse said to not do it and I screamed back that I couldnt prevent it. Told him to call which he reluctantly did. Called for someone while screaming because I was hit by another one. No one came but apparently it wasn't that long... I told him to call again and yelled " HE IS COMING" but how since I was at 8 a few minutes prior? After the 2nd call they showed up almost right away and checked me when I was trying to push again (SO PAINFUL OMG). And surprise! In a couple of minutes I had gone to 10 cm and I actually had to push! So they got things set up while I was pushing another one. And then I pushed while seeing it in the mirror. I had phased of being totally ok then hit by so much pain and that intense need to push. His head was there. Pushed 3 or 4 times more and he was out in 5 minutes. After the head that really hurt and burnt he slid out of my body!!!! So satisfying. But 5 min for delivery is unheard of so they were a surprised!!!