Is it even possible to get your supply back up? I only pump not even a full 2 oz every time . I’m discouraged


So whenever I had my son 1 month and 6 days ago, I was so overwhelmed I am a first time mom and I couldn’t get a good latch and I was doing it all by myself, his dad was out of town the first two weeks and I just pretty much completely stopped pumping and breastfeeding . I just felt so discouraged when I couldn’t get a good breastfeed without crying at the end cause both my son and I were just frustrated... which I understand is normal and I wish I would have continued putting the effort in because my supply went down extremely . I got it back up to 1 oz every time during the day when I pump and 2oz in the morning when I haven’t pumped in a while , I’ve been drinking mothers milk tea 3-5 times daily and taking fenugreek . Which I notice an improvement , but I read all these woman than pump 4-6 oz out of each breast and I only get 2 oz total between the two . How can I get back to how it was in the begininning? Is it even possible . I’ve also been actually breastfeeding him because he sucks way harder than a pump and the pump isn’t making much improvement towards making more milk it’s just staying the same.... is it even possible ladies or am I basically SOL? I want him to not even need formula and I want to get back to that point. Gosh I wish I would have just kept at it .... I need advice.... please and thank you .